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Welcome to [REDACTED] USA's giveaway for MKULTRA Playing Cards. This giveaway comes with a unique feature - the button. Pushing the button gives you the chance to get an advantage on the rest of the participants at the cost of the number of decks available to win.


Initial Prize: 144 decks of MKULTRA Playing Cards

Start Date: Sunday, November 26th

End Date: Thursday, December 7th, 23:59 CST


To participate in the giveaway, do the following:

  1. Follow us on Instagram: @redactedusa
  2. Share the giveaway announcement post on your Instagram story and tag us.
  3. Complete the entry form (you can find the link in our Instagram bio).

THE BUTTON: How it works

Now, let's discuss the button and how it influences the giveaway:

When filling out the form, you will be given the option to push the button or not. Your choice will affect the game for everyone else playing, including yourself. The button's behavior is simple:

Important Note: The decision to push the button is yours to make. It may increase your chances of winning, but it also affects the availability of decks for others in the giveaway. The initial prize pool is 144 decks. As more people push the button, the pool of available decks decreases. Pushing the button before submitting doesn't alter the count; all that matters is whether the button is pressed when the form is submitted. Before submitting, be certain you have selected the choice you wish to make. Upon submitting, the choice is final.

So, make your choice wisely and consider how it aligns with your goals and values. We appreciate your participation, and may the best participant win.

Thanks For Playing